Mission:  We provide high quality agricultural products for agro-industry at the global level in a responsible and sustainable way.  We are committed to the well-being of our employees and their communities with a structured program on Corporate Social Responsibility. 

Vision:  To be recognized locally and internationally as an excellent, profitable and socially responsible enterprise.

Core Values


Our Story

Through leadership and hard work from our Founder, Tecnología Agrícola, S.A. started operations in 1986, with the crop of sugar cane providing raw material to the sugar cane industry.  In 2010 we ventured into the production of in vitro meristem-lab-taken plantlets in order to meet internal and external demand with sugar cane, banana and plantain plants.

In 2014 we started banana plantations in la Gomera area as well as plantain plantations in Nueva Concepción area and in 2015 on Finca Jabalí, Santa Lucía, Cotzumalguapa area. 

Who We Are

Tecnología Agrícola, Top Green y Meristemos de Guatemala make up an enterpise, that has been a leader in the agro-industry sector.  We have 32 years of experience in the sugar cane crop business, 10 years of experience in the production of in vitro plantlets and 4 years of experience in the banana and plantain crops.

We employ over 1000 workers, with high principles and values, committed to meeting the established goals by following high standards of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We provide free ground rounds for HIV and cervical cancer detection for employees.

Through an alliance with the Health Department, we provide diagnostic tests to our employees in order to detect dengue.

Donations of banana and plantain for consumption in the schools of our influential zones located in the villages of Cerro Colorado and El Silencio (of La Gomera area) and the villages of El Amatillo and Canoguitas (of La Nueva Concepción area) as well as the village of Jabalí (in the Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa area), all located in the Department of Escuintla.

We have formed strategic alliances with sugar mills, farms and community leaders in order to repair and restore dirt roads that lead to the villages of Las Playas and Las Cruces and also on the road that leads to the village of Chipilapa (in la Gomera area) in the Department of Escuintla.

Corporate Social Responsibility

On the 29th, 30th and 31st editions of the Sugar Run, we donated 3000 bananas due to the fact that bananas contain high quantities of potassium, sucrose, glucose and fructose which supply the runners’ bodies with immediate energy.

Through and alliance with APIB (Association of Independent Banana Producers) we have helped solve the digital gap by donating tablets to schools in the villages of El Cerro Colorado, El Silencio and Las Cruces.